Bob and Gayle’s Stupendously Fabulous Orthodox Wanderings

bob_gayle_born_moscowWhen we originally registered we didn’t realize how versatile the name would be.

BAGSFOW is honored to be the unofficial non-corporate sponsor for Bob and Gayle Born’s (one of my big sisters)  trip to Russia. Their trek takes them on a tour of Orthodox churches, museums and historical sites throughout Russia.  They say they’ve been walking up to six miles a day (at that rate it will only take them 3 years to cross the entire country).

We’re looking forward to being regaled around the campfire with tales from their journey – and I know they’ll be glad to be back in the USA eating some fine southern Ohio cooking!  However it’s not all cabbage and Borst in Russia…this is where they ate in Saint Petersburg. Dinner in St. Petersburg

Church Museum on Red SquareOn the 4th of July, they were at Red Square.  Pretty spectacular!  All the way USA, comrades!

This is the second post in a series of notable events for people appearing at BAGSFOW – if you have an announcement – let us know!